Crafting Elegancia Atemporal

Bolsos hechos a mano hechos con arte

Conozca BYRSAN, una marca que actúa como puente entre el pasado y el presente. Nuestra historia es un viaje de redescubrimiento, donde damos nueva vida a los bolsos vintage a través del arte de la personalización.



Mientras el mundo se inunda con complementos fabricados en serie, los objetos de alta calidad del pasado suelen permanecer ocultos, eclipsados por el frenesí de la moda actual. Y sin embargo, sigue existiendo un gran interés por piezas únicas y originales que reflejen tanto la tradición como la vanguardia.

En BYRSAN, le acompañaremos en este extraordinario viaje, en el que la tradición se conjuga de forma armónica con la innovación. Respetamos la herencia de los objetos cuidadosamente elaborados, sin dejar de incorporar la personalidad y la diversidad del mundo contemporáneo.

Hoja de Ruta

Nuestra hoja de ruta es sencilla pero llena de significado: seleccionamos bolsos vintage, auténticas joyas que conservan la huella del paso del tiempo. Con la ayuda de artesanos expertos y el trazo de un pincel, transformamos estos tesoros en obras maestras irrepetibles, añadiendo un toque de arte moderno a su encanto atemporal.

The Collection

We invite you to explore our collection, where each vintage handbag is a canvas that tells a story. These handbags are not just accessories; they are a reflection of your appreciation for tradition and your commitment to responsible luxury.

By choosing BYRSAN, you avoid the disappointment of generic, mass-produced fashion. Our handbags are unique, embodying the heritage of the past and the promise of the future.

Diseño Artístico

Tener un bolso BYRSAN supone portar un fragmento de historia impregnado de arte contemporáneo. Constituye además un símbolo de tus valores: calidad, sostenibilidad y lujo responsable. Porque el auténtico lujo no es simplemente el objeto mismo, sino también las historias que esconde y los valores que representa.

Agradecemos que nos acompañe en este extraordinario viaje en el que se entrelazan el carisma vintage y los valores contemporáneos. Bienvenido al mundo de BYRSAN, un lugar donde redefinimos el legado, bolso a bolso, y al que le invitamos a unirse para formar parte de esta narrativa atemporal.


BYRSAN is a creative fusion of  "By Raquel Santamaria" -founder and creative director- and it encapsulates the essence of our brand. 

It also draws its inspiration from the archaic Greek word "byrsa" which means "leather". Our brand name pays homage to the legacy of leather, evoking a sense of tradition and quality that has endured through the ages.

Raquel Santamaría

In the midst of a fast-paced world overloaded with fast fashion and fleeting trends, there is a haven — a place that is changing the very definition of luxury.  

This is the story of BYRSAN, a brand born out of a rich tapestry of experiences, family heritage, and a passion that goes beyond the ordinary to create a symphony of exclusivity, sustainability, and art.

Meet the Spanish creator, Raquel Santamaría, a passionate soul whose roots trace back to a century-old  family of shoe artisans in Spain. From the early days, leather and fabrics whispered stories to her, stories that  led her on a very personal journey. She was also inspired by the timeless elegance and vintage treasures she discovered in the well-traveled trunks of a great-grandmother's steamship voyages to the family-owned garment factory in Latin America. Each of these outfits and accessories tell stories that live in different time frames, as Raquel also wore them to parties and dinners, and the magic found in those trunks inspired her unconditional love of vintage fashion.

Her youthful admiration for the quality woven into vintage fashion evolved into a personal mission. A pivotal moment occurred in the bustling depths of the London Underground.  Surrounded by the monotony of identical handbags from a well-known luxury brand, she questioned the very definition of luxury. “Shouldn't true luxury embrace uniqueness? And what about the luxury of time, absent in the hurried queues of traditional luxury shops?

Raquel’s global exposure gained from working in the art industry, which included curating exhibitions, attending international art fairs, and managing galleries in Madrid and Shanghai, broadened her perspective. Understanding the diverse needs of clients around the world, she envisioned transforming fashion into a new art form that preserved each piece's unique essence. 

Thus, BYRSAN was born, a tribute to the fusion of sustainability, artistry, and the revival of forgotten treasures rebelling against the rapid obsolescence of conventional fashion. Each piece, a relic of a previous decade, is carefully adapted to current trends, transforming into a one-of-a-kind creation while adhering to the values of sustainability and a circular economy.

Raquel, as the curator, meticulously blends artistic vision with an aesthetic sense of fashion, ensuring each bag is treated with the reverence bestowed upon a gallery sculpture. This is more than a brand; it is a narrative, a dialogue between exclusivity, elegance, sustainability, and art.

BYRSAN is a symphony of stories, a commitment to providing something extraordinary in a world accustomed to uniformity. With each bag, a chapter unfolds, weaving you into the fabric of her passion and vision.

Welcome to BYRSAN, where every piece is not just a fashion statement but a living,

breathing tale of the extraordinary in an otherwise uniform world.